Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gideon Randall Cerveny - the arrival

Yesterday, 10/24/2008, at 9:42am I became a father. Gideon was born weighing 9lb 1oz and was 22.25 inches long.

The Blessing - a background
It is crazy how much can happen in a year. Last year on the 24th of October I packed up the Honda Element with my dad and drove from MD across the country to move to CA and take a leap of faith. On that same day Victoria was working with the movers to get our house packed so she could soon follow, by plane, a few days later with my mom. Victoria and I would have never guessed that we would have a child 1 year later. Starting a family was something we had hoped and dreamed about for several years but had no luck. We figured we would move to CA and get settled and then look into adoption one day. The exact day we felt settled in CA God started knitting Gideon together so he could be our child.

I am pretty sure this is the way things had to happen. If we had been blessed with a child back in MD I don't think I could have taken this leap to follow the dreams God has for me and my family. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. That is a verse that Victoria and I have recited to each other so many times over the past year and half as we made our leap. It was our hope and comfort and remains to this day.

Gideon's birth
On Thursday, 10/23/2008, we had what was our last pre-baby midwife appointment. Victoria was already 4 days past her due date and had to make an appointment with the back-up OB for the following Monday to check on Gideon's health. Our Midwife, Mary Lou O'Brien, examined Victoria during her appointment and laughed saying you should be in labor right now. After we left, Mary Lou called her assistant, Elena Vogel, and warned her to be ready for a middle of the night call. After the appointment we headed over to Costco and then home to relax for the rest of the night. Later that night we went for walk around our apartment complex and then headed off to bed.

Around 3:30am Friday 10/24/2008 morning Victoria woke me up jumping out of bed saying her water broke. About 10 minutes later she started contractions. They started at 3-5 minutes apart and got increasingly more intense. After about 30 minutes I called Mary Lou and she headed on over along with her assistant. I also called our friend Lory who hosted our baby shower so she could be present at the birth. By 5:30am everyone was there that needed to be. The labor and delivery went smooth and was at home as planned. During labor I had a hard time holding back the tears as I read Psalm 139, and Lory read other passages, to help Victoria relax. I am so proud of Victoria and how she was determined to labor and deliver completely drug free and naturally and she accomplished that. It is crazy to think that 6 hours after Victoria woke me, we had Gideon.

Here are some images that I took when I had a chance. Make sure you read the end of this post for one last important paragraph.

Moments after Gideon's birth I grabbed my Canon 5D with 24mm 1.4L attached from the nightstand and captured this. You can see in the right part of the frame the blanket just about to cover Gideon up to keep him warm.

Lory took this with my 5D while I spent some time with Victoria and Gideon. It is our first family picture.

Victoria did such an amazing job. I am so proud of her!

Mary Lou giving Gideon his first check-up.

Gideon getting weighed.

Gideon is so cute.

I love these next two.

A little Dom Perignon to celebrate.

What I am thankful for
There are so many people that made this home birth experience so wonderful. Here is a short list.

1. Sherry Rumsey of Birthing Baby for encouraging us to give birth at home. It is something that Victoria always wanted to do but I know Sherry helped make it happen. Sherry is a midwife-in-training, doula, and was our Bradley Method class instructor. We highly recommend Sherry and her services.
2. Mary Lou O'Brien for being so amazing and wonderful as our midwife. We highly recommend Mary Lou and her 20 years of experience. I know we will be using her again.
3. Elena Vogel assisted Mary Lou with the birth. She was the first one to arrive that morning. Victoria and I are so thankful for her and all her knowledge and help.
4. Lory Ishii for everything she did to help. Lory made the most wonderful breakfast. I wish I would have gotten some pictures but I was a little preoccupied with spending time with Gideon and Victoria. Lory also ran out to pick up a few things once Mary Lou and Elena left. Lory even came back later that night to bring us dinner. We are also thankful for Lory's husband George and how he allowed his wife to come and serve us. George and Lory also prayed for us when we woke them at 4:00 in the morning. We are so thankful.
5. Everyone that called and sent messages on email and Facebook congratulating us. We are so thankful for all the blessings. We are also thankful for everyone offering to help in any way they can.

Life is beautiful and I think times like a birth or marriage bring out some of the best in human nature. We are thankful and full of joy!


Wenchie said...

Wow those photos are priceless and so are the events that go along with them!

nelly said...

awesome awesome awesome!! well done victoria!!! you are so awesome to go natural all the way. God bless your new family. I'm so very happy for you all!

Anonymous said...

SWWWEEET moments, Rustin! Beautiful baby!

Dom 1999? Wow....


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! He is beautiful!!
Take care,

rmcphoto said...

Thank you for the comments.

John... Yes that is Dom 1999. My parents bought it for us last year when we moved to CA. We were saving it until we felt happy and settled. If Victoria wasn't pregnant we probably would have had it this past summer. We have been so blessed.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Hope all is well. He looks just like Rustin ;-)

Unknown said...

congratulations to you both wonderful news and great photos, so pleased for you both, God is so good and faithful, well done Victoria, may your Gideon be a truly mighty man for the Lord and grow up to love and serve Him, congrats Larry and Ruth Hill Ireland

Anne said...


Congratulations! The pictures were wonderful! Victoria and you were on my mind all week and now I know why. Gideon looks like you. What a blessing!

Matt and Kelli Seilback said...

Congratulations Rustin!! You're family is beautiful. Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and welcome to the parenthood club Rustin!!! I'm so happy for you and for Victoria!

BTW, a small card with Jeremiah 29:11 printed on it sits on my dashboard in my car as a constant reminder that God's plans are bigger than mine. I'm glad to see Gideon was planned perfectly for both of you!

Anonymous said...

Rustin, the pictures are amazing, and so is the story of the birth of your son. God is so awesome!! You really get to see that up close with the birth of your children. What a blessing! Thank Him every day for little Gideon - I know you will. Jeremiah 29:11 has always been my favorite verse, and it's so awesome when you can see it come true the way you guys have since your move to CA. We miss you tons, but it's awesome when you know for sure you made the right decision. Give Victoria and Gideon a kiss from me!

Dane Sanders said...

Just incredible.

Blah Blah said...

Dude congrats! That must be the best feeling ever to bring a little one into the world. Take care!

ramil said...

Simply amazing... congratulations!

claire barrett said...

He is absolutely beautiful!!
I am so happy for really is magical, isn't it?

Lots of Love,


Anonymous said...

When I first got your email, I could only check out the blog on my iPhone so I didn't see everything. I finally got a chance to see the full posting. He's just beautiful! Congratulations over and over! I'm so happy you experienced the birth you wanted :-). I feel so honored to be mentioned in your "Thank You"s! The two (three) of you were a joy to have in class. Best Wishes, Sherry Rumsey

rmcphoto said...

Thank you for all the comments. Victoria and I feel so loved.

ISO (In search of) said...

Congratulations Rustin and Victoria. Mighty Gideon is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so happy for you all.

Cindy said...

Congrats on your little bundle of joy! He's simply precious!

gabriel.ryan. said...

i can't believe how much little gideon looks like you, rustin!!! wow! cute kid. congrats.

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