Sunday, June 01, 2008

Our 6th anniversary

Six years ago today, June 1 2002, Victoria and I were married. Both of us had no jobs so our budget was nonexistent. We had a small ceremony at Grace Fellowship Church in Mansfield, OH with a cake reception. Our families helped out as much as they could, which we are very grateful for. If I could do it all over again I would only change one thing, I would hire a professional photographer.

We do have pictures from our wedding day. They were mostly taken by family and friends. But none of them match the quality you could get from a professional. I know that it is ironic that I didn't have a professional photographer at my wedding and now I am one. We still have our memories from that day and a 4x6 album with photos taken by family and friends. I cannot stress enough how important it is to hire a professional photographer.

To celebrate our anniversary we went to one of our favorite restaurants, The Melting Pot in Pasadena, CA.

I always get the same salad every time I get dinner at The Melting Pot. I love the California Salad.

Cooking dinner

The dessert is amazing. All of these goodies you get to dip in chocolate. How can you go wrong with that?

Here is a self portrait of us at dinner taken with our Canon SD750.

After dinner we went for a little walk around Pasadena. The light was amazing so I stopped and grabbed this shot of Victoria at 20 weeks.

This is a shot of our wedding bands. I remember the day we got them at Zales. We got the least expensive ones we could get because of our budget. We got them engraved and put the bill on a Zales credit card. We had always planned to get new bands one day, but we never have. Since getting married we have been so blessed. We keep these bands because it help us remember how little we had but we were able to survive and be happy with just each other.


nelly said...

congratulations=) thats super wonderful!! victoria is looking gorgeous at 20 weeks!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing a little of your special day with us. You both are amazing people who are blessed to have each other.
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Rustin you are an amazing photographer. Looking at your pictures makes me wish I had something coming up for you to take pictures of. Happy Anniversary as well! Vicki looks incredible!

Leanne said...

Rustin, your parents directed us here when they told us you guys were expecting a baby! How exciting! You both look wonderful and I'm glad things seem to be going well in CA!

Anonymous said...

thats superb wonderful!!

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